First Aid Merit Badge
Troop 93 meets weekly on Tuesday evenings from 7:00pm to 8:30pm at Heritage Church in Lake Zurich. Our weekly troop meetings can cover a variety of topics including rank requirements, working towards a merit badge, first aid review, and often planning for the next campouts. The meetings and it’s content are planned and led by the troop youth leadership. Also the troop plans fun events that take place instead of our weekly meetings such as bowling, rock climbing, or hiking.
From Feed My Starving Children to park cleanup the troop plans and participates in several different types of community service events throughout the year. These events are required as part of rank advancement but also an important part of our troops commitment to our community.
As a troop we take pride in camping every month. Campouts go from Friday evening to Sunday Morning and are at locations that are a short drivable distance from Lake Zurich so camp can be setup Friday evening when the troop arrives. These monthly campouts are a great opportunity for scouts to spend a weekend outdoors and often are planned so they are timed with other activities such as WWII days in Rockford, Olympic luge or snow tubing in Wisconsin, or even just a weekend to relax and go hiking or fishing. In preparation for these campouts the scouts work together to meal plan, discuss what gear is needed by each scout, and talk over any safety items. While on the campouts the scouts setup camp, cook the food they prepared for, and work together to ensure everyone is safe. This is also a great time for scouts to work on merit badges and rank requirements. During the Winter months the troop will switch to cabin/bunkhouse camping.
Camp Ransburg Group Picture
Working together the Troop 93 youth and adult leadership identify possible summer camp options and then review them as part of the PLC. The summer camp locations are chosen with the goal to give the scouts access to new camps, new experiences, and the opportunity to earn different merit badges as well as interact with new troops at summer camps. For more info on our past travels check out our travel map!
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