July 2023
Philmont Scout Ranch is located in Cimarron, NM and is one of the Boy Scouts of America premier High Adventure bases. Contingent 703-Q chose and were awarded the Super Strenuous 12-29 itinerary. This itinerary will have the backpacking over 80 miles and see Baldy Mountain (12, 441 ft), Mount Phillips (11,736 ft), Tooth of Time (9,003 ft), and a Ute Park Pass hike. Program highlights include muzzle loading rifles, 30.06 Rifle shooting, 3D Archery, Blacksmithing, as well as conservation projects at Flume Canyon and new trail construction.
The contingent left for base camp on July 1st and enjoyed the 22 hour train ride to then catch another bus to take them to base camp.
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