March 2024
Troop 93 hosted a computer locking at Heritage Church in March. The computer lock-in is a great way for scouts to still bond and hang out while enjoying a variety of video and board games. A new Fortnite release pushed the network to its full capacity, but the troop had no problems finding other things to do while waiting for the downloads to complete.
One comment on “Computer Lock-in leaves Troop 93 very tired with little pizza budget left”
Payton S.
I ate so much food… The event was very fun and me and my troop mates really bonded over this is our half awake-half asleep state. When we still talk about this is still cracks us up. Event like these and others are a staple of the troop and I if I could go back to choosing a troop, I would still choose this troop all over again. The experiences and life lessons I have gained from Boy Scouts and this troop has really shaped my early life. And if anyone wants to join, we are always open. (Plus we need the extra people) Thanks to you and all the leaders of troop 93, I have enough fun for a lifetime. Thank you.